Relationships are a hard subject. They are touchy at times, and every relationship is different. I am no relationship expert, but here is what I know at this point in my life- every relationship is unique. Each person that enters your life brings out something uniquely different in you that you didn’t know existed. Whether it be a common interest, style, song, deep conversations, feeling complete, or whatever you have in common with that person/ that’s what they bring out in you. That’s your connection with them.
Some relationships are high maintenance, while others require very little work. Some bring out the best in you, while others don’t. At a certain point in your life, you choose friends who enhance your life. The ones that bring value, because you realize that time is more valuable than any gold.
At times, it seems as if people in our lives pull and tug for our attention as if someone could possibly replace them. That’s where they are wrong. No relationship that I have ever had – has been the same. Each person that I love and have a connection with, it is for different reasons. We share common things or ideas that connect us, and each is different. There is no replacing anyone.
As Shawn and I talked one night about our dog, Rocco- and don’t get me wrong, we love Rocco- but he will never replace our Lolly that was taken from us last year. While we laugh at him, and love him for him- he’s not her. He doesn’t do the things that she did the way she did them. Same is true with relationships. No one can replace you in a relationship that you share with someone else. They love someone else for what joy and value that they bring to their life, but replacements aren’t possible.
The best advice I was ever given was actually from my husband (please no one tell him that I think that- he’ll get a big head ??), but he once told me, “All I can do is love you the best I can, and the rest is up to you.” That has rang true in head and heart ever since. All I can do is love those whom I love, the best I can, and the rest is up to them.
My Granny Dukes always tells me when I am struggling with certain issues/people is “the best thing I can tell you, is to love them. Just love them!” And I have learned that the ones who are the hardest to love are usually the ones who need it the most.
We should all love those whom we love the best we can love them, and stop worrying about being replaced- for there is only one us- and that, my friend, cannot be replaced. ❤