Over the past almost 2 years now, it seems that we have heard about nothing other than death. With Covid being the center of most conversations these days, as it has affected almost every part of everyone’s lives, the words of death and dying ring louder than ever before.
If it’s not Covid, it seems like it is something else that is taking the pure life out of all us. And all that seems to roll off of everyone’s tongue is well- death.
It was laid upon my heart some time back to write this piece “Speak Life”. As you can see I haven’t written it until now.
“Why?” You may ask.
Well, the truth is I didn’t feel like I was adequate enough to write anymore. I didn’t believe that what I had to say was that important or held that much weight. I believed that I was not enough, and that part of me had well- yep! You guessed it, had died as well.
I no longer spoke any life into my calling and therefore it had died.
BUT God!!
Isn’t it amazing how He sends earthly angels to cross our path at the very moment that you need them?
When I had thought this season of my life had passed and was no longer fruitful, He sent people here and there to remind me. He had them speak life into me and the purpose that He had started so long ago.
The truth is… I am not enough. What I have to say does not matter as much as what He wants to say through me. My purpose is to be His vessel.
And to those who continued to speak life into me, thank you!
So why is all of this talk about speaking life so important?
Well, I am glad you asked.
As we find ourselves in a season of overwhelming death, it is so important that we learn to speak life.
The bible tells us in Proverbs 18:21
So in this one bible verse, we are taught that that the words we let roll out of our mouths and off of our lips have the power to carry life or death with them.
WOW!! That’s pretty powerful.
How many times have we stood in the grocery store, read a post on social media, or spoken with someone on the phone that was telling us about something bad that has happened either to them or to someone they knew?
How many times do we say, “Oh my gosh!! That is horrible! I will be praying for them.”?
We live in small town, USA so that all happens on a daily basis.
We find out about what is going on with our friends, family, co-workers, neighbors in the community and we simply say, “Gosh, I hate that. We will pray for them.”
How many times does that act actually come to fruition? How many times do we actually pray about the things that we have just learned about? Or do we just stuff them in our back pockets as information to pass on to the next person we meet on the meat aisle?
Oh yeah, I am talking to someone or maybe many someone’s with this one? Or He is through me. Because I am talking to myself as well. So, He is really talking to me too!
So many times we have the opportunity to speak life back into a situation and we don’t. We act as though we are powerless or have absolutely no authority to say or pray something that could turn the whole situation back around.
We forget that even in our sufferings or the sufferings of others, that He is still good and sovereign. And even though we can’t see what He is doing, He is working ALL things out for HIS glory and for the good of those who love Him.
The bible tells us that God is the only one who is omnipresent (everywhere at once) and omniscient (He can read our minds and knows our hearts). Although, the devil doesn’t have these powers, we tend to give him some things to gloat about when we only speak of our sufferings, our struggles, and our hardships.
When we flip the script and start speaking life back into what was dead or is dying, we amazingly start to see a shift from death to life just with our words.
Don’t get me wrong, you can’t very well stand on the meat aisle in the grocery store and respond to someone’s pain with a positive comeback like, “Oh that is wonderful!!”, “Hallelujah, He is working!” “Blessed be His name as He is working all things out to His glory!” without them thinking you are absolutely crazy- which many of us are- we just keep that tucked in while in public. LOL
God wants us to show empathy and compassion for those around us, but I believe He also wants to reinfuse life into those otherwise dying with His promises and words of truth through His Holy Spirit.
He wants us to use His word and the power and authority that He has given us to rattle dry bones back to life. He wants us to use that same power to invade heaven on other’s behalf to intercede for them when they can’t find the words to utter what even part of their prayer may be.
God wants us to speak life over one another and back into each other through Him. And even if it is not life here on earth, then it is eternal life with Him with heaven.
Don’t let the devil hear about yours, or others, struggles, sufferings, or hardships today without him also hearing your prayers flood heaven. Not just a puny roll call of things to be grateful for or a list of your prayer requests, but a deep passionate prayer that we have authority and power through our God and since we have that- no matter how the story ends- WE HAVE LIFE!!!!!
Speak life today!!